If we keep growing like this then we are going to have to find a new place to host our Utah book blogger socials. We were literally busting through the seams this past Saturday as more than 60 book bloggers, writers and published authors gathered for a fun time.
I was thinking about how much we have grown in the past two years. Here is a photo from the first social that I hosted in my home:

Five of the people were supportive spouses! We have now grown so large that even the thought of posing for a photo with everybody in it . . . well, it simply can’t be done. I believe this social was our fifth one. Wow – time flies when you are having fun!
I am completely overwhelmed with the thought of captioning and naming everybody in all of the following photos, so please forgive me. As you can see, a great time was had by all. And surprisingly, the part where everybody stood up one by one and introduced themselves was the best part! Some people are just too funny!

Although not everybody on the following list was able to make it (we hope you at the next one – which will be in August!), here is a blogroll for you of all the fantastic book bloggers here in Utah! You may discover all of your favorite Utah Book Bloggers by subscribing to the shared RSS feed, following the Utah Book Community Twitter list, or if you are a book blogger, join our ning group.
- Natasha at Maw Books (@mawbooks)
- Nancy at {A} Musing Reviews
- Booklogged at A Readers Journal (@booklogged)
- Julie at A Small Accomplishment
- Cindi at A Utah Mom’s Life
- Caitlin at All Things Print (@AllThingsPrint)
- Amy at Amy’s Haiku Haven (@haikuamy)
- Angie at Angieville (@angiebookgirl)
- Lynn at Barding Well (@bardingwell)
- Sheri at Belle’s Book Blog (@Bellesteacher)
- Ben at Ben Crowder (@bencrowder)
- Rachelle at Bibliobabe (@bibliobabeblog)
- Catie at BookBound (@meow_mix85)
- 免费外网加速器app
- Holly at Book Harbinger (@hollybally)
- 手机连外网加速器
- Sarah at Bookworm Blues (@BookwormBlues)
- Jennifer at Carbohydrates and Conjugations
- Chersti at Chersti Nieveen (手机网络加速器)
- Lynn from Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile (外网加速器推荐)
- Britt from Confessions of a Book Habitue (@bookhabitue)
- Wonder Bunny at Cookies, Books and Bikes
- Debbie at Cranberry Fries (@cranberryfries)
- Cherylynne at Room On the Shelf (外网加速器下载)
- Krista at CubicleBlindness Book Thoughts (@cubicleblindnes)
- Christy at Dearest Dreams (@dearestdreams)
- Emily from Emily’s Reading Room (@emsreadingroom)
- Rachel at Endless Reading (@rachelreading)
- Britten, Georgia, and Kirsten at Eve’s Fan Garden (@evesfangarden)
- Heather at Fire and Ice (@FireIcePhotos)
- Framed at Framed and Booked
- Heather at Gofita’s Pages (免费外网加速器app)
- Kim at Good Clean Reads (@GoodCleanReads)
- Kathy at I am a Reader, Not a Writer (@toobusyreading)
- Suey from It’s All About Books (@sueysays)
- Jenni at Jenni Elise (@jenni_elyse)
- Cindy at Kiss the Book
- 《剑灵:革命》台服正式上线 UU手游加速器带你领略情怀神作 ...:2021-5-18 · 网易UU加速器不但拥有数量庞大的加速服务节点群,并且节点中转效率行业领先,让你连接上外网游戏服务器不用愁,摆脱网络延迟的影响,同时还拥有智能检测网络环境的功能,可伍自动切 … (@LDSWBR)
- Megan at Library Showgirl (手机网络加速器)
- Myke at Live and Learn
- Michelle, Ma Belle (@michellerigby)
- Annika at Munchkins and Manuscripts
- Angela at My Favorite Author (@MyFavAuthor)
- 手机网页加速器 (@AubreyatMPB)
- Janet at Newspaper Girl (手机连外网加速器
- Melissa at One Librarian’s Book Reviews (@melissa1lbr)
- Becky at One Literature Nut (@mjmbecky)
- Megan at Po(sey) Sessions (@PoseySessions)
- Marc at Readerscape (@readerscape)
- Brenda at Reading Fairy Tales (@brendareviews)
- Gettsr at Reading List of a Book Pusher (@gettsr)
- Sharon from SherMeree’s Musings
- Alison from So Many Books, So Little Time (@utahalison)
- Enna Isilee at Squeaky Books (@Enna_Isilee)
- Mellisa and Shelley at Squeaky Clean Reads (@sqkycleanreads)
- Anna at TangognaT (@tangognat)
- Jackie at Teen Book Guide (@teenbookguide)
- Ingrid at The Blue Bookcase (@thebluebookcase)
- Jessica from The Bluestocking Society (@thebluestocking)
- Kika at The Book Bluff (@kikalatu)
- Lisa at The Bookworm’s Library (@bookwormslib)
- 免费外网加速器app (加速器下载 上外网)
- Mellissa at The Reckless Reader (@Aelysium)
- Lorren at The Story Girl (手机网络加速器)
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- 手机连外网加速器 (@karenmkrueger)
- Sheila at Why Not? Because I Said So! (手机网络加速器)
- Verlina at What You Reading Now? (@SuperMomV)
- Sharla at WinterWrite (@WinterWrite)
We had several published authors in our midst, and want to send a shout out to Rick Walton, Bree Despain, Lisa Mangum, Matthew Kirby, Emily Wing Smith, Jaleta Cleggo and Cory Poulson, And oh my goodness, I’m sure I’m forgetting somebody!! We had a myriad of aspiring authors as well, which was just fantastic! I can’t wait to see them published! You will have to forgive me for not naming everybody (but do check out the other posts below – they do a much better job than I).
I think it’s funny because every time Suey from It’s All About Books (@sueysays), Becky at One Literature Nut (@mjmbecky) and I host this event it’s almost as if we have a whole different crowd each time. Can you imagine if we actually got everybody together at the same time. Craziness would ensue! Wait. Craziness already ensues!
And the best part about typing up this post a few days after the event, is that I can link over to others posts, who are much more entertaining than me. Particularly 手机网络加速器 and Douglas Cootey. That is why they are writers and not me. Although Suey is highly entertaining as well. Other reports: 免费外网加速器app, Shanda at LDS Women’s Book Review, Becky from One Literature Nut, Penelope from The Reading Fever. If you’ve written a post, let me know and I’ll add it in.
I think you’ll agree when I say that our literacy community here ROCKS!!! And watch this space for a fun announcement which will highlight our local authors!

P.S. Do let me know if there is a correction or addition to the above blogroll.